DPF Software

Elite Tuning DPF solution

Are you having problems with your DPF (diesel particulate filter)? Are you facing expensive repair costs? Are you fed up of poor MPG when the DPF is regenerating? Do you want to remove the DPF from your vehicle? Then you have come to the right place. We can alter the software in the ECU (engine control unit) so that the DPF can be removed from the vehicle without logging any error codes or attempting any future regenerations.

Most vehicles fitted with a DPF will need to have the filter replaced at some point as part of the service schedule, if it hasn’t become overloaded in the meantime. This can be very expensive, sometimes over £1000 (based on a BMW 33OD).

Benefits of DPF removal:

  • Increased MPG
  • Better performance
  • Improved performance
  • Avoid expensive repair costs

Once the physical filter removal has been completed the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) is reprogrammed (Remapped) and any DPF related structures removed from the vehicles software. This will prevent the vehicle from sensing the missing filter and will prevent future DPF regeneration and DPF related warning lights. This is the most important aspect of the removal process and it is vital that the ECU is reprogrammed correctly or DPF issues will continue. When carrying out this process we can also remap the ECU for better performance and fuel efficiency, this is normally free of charge with our DPF removal service.

For more information on this and how we can help, please contact us by email.

Please read this:
IS DPF removal illegal?

Please note that we offer DPF solutions for off-road usage only. It is not illegal to remove a DPF filter from your vehicle. It is an offence under the Road Vehicles Regulations (regulation 61a(3) 1, to use a vehicle which has been modified in such a way that it no longer complies with the air pollutant emissions standards it was designed to meet. Removal of a DPF will almost invariably contravene these requirements.

Therefore, by fitting a bypass pipe you will find that your vehicle fails an MOT test. Other methods, such as removing the internal filter, will be visually standard and will enable you to reinstall a filter at a later date should you wish to. Please note this will contravene MOT regulations by completing this. Please not we do not do any mechanically work.

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